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Ritual and Ceremony for spiritual seekers looking to honor the land and connect more deeply to their intuition and divine gifts and feel the unwavering support of community.


Join me for the Group offerings below.

Sacred Swims are a great way to establish a monthly New Moon Ritual to cleanse, reenergize and recommit to your dreams.

Tea & Tarot is an excellent course for those wishing to connect more deeply to their intuition and learn how to use the Tarot to gain deeper insights and awareness. This course is more than just learning to read the Tarot you will receive downloads, transmissions and more!

Join me. xo

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Sacred Swims

A Monthly New Moon Ritual 

It is said, all holy waters were protected by women. There were Well Maidens, Ladies of the Lakes and Lagoons, and women who protected Sacred Springs. And yet, who preserves and protects the Great Pacific Ocean? We do.

Please consider yourself a Steward of Her, the Great Pacific Ocean and join us for this Monthly Ritual on the New Moon.

We come together at North Ponto Beach in Carlsbad, CA to ceremonially dip ourselves three times into her healing waters to cleanse, reenergize and recommit to our dreams!

Followed by a hot cup of ceremonial cacao.

Bathing in sacred waters is an ancient tradition available to all.


Please Register to reserve your spot! Or Venmo payment to @amber-wientzen




Tea & Tarot

A Sunday Morning Ritual

Carve out some time to dive into the study of the Tarot, enjoy a nice cup of tea and connect with other members of the Return of Ritual community.

In this 13 week online course you will:

  • deepen your understanding and awareness of the Tarot as a powerful life tool

  • understand basic numerology and how it influences the Tarot

  • learn the astrological and elemental correspondences

  • develop your unique intuitive abilities

  • be supported, seen and heard by other like-minded individuals

Tea & Tarot has been described by past attendees as “salve for the heart”.

Each week we will study 2 of the Major Arcana archetypes as we journey through the 22 Archetypes of the Major Arcana. You will gain a better understanding of their meaning, the symbolism present and foster an intimate understanding of what they each represent.

Tea & Tarot is the best way to foster a deeper understanding of Tarot, but ultimately you will understand the human experience on a deeper level and connect more intimately to your SOUL.

Course Details:

  • Join the waitlist!

  • 9- 11am PST/5-7pm GMT

  • We will study the Rider-Waite-Smith deck

  • Course Workbook

Investment: $1300


Return of Ritual Retreats

Join my waitlist to express interest and stay informed!

 Curious about working with me one-on-one?

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