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It’s time to remember...

what keeps the majority of humanity stuck, silently suffering and deeply disconnected. Living a life that isn’t your own. Allowing your societal conditioning, limiting beliefs and outdated ancestral patterns to run the show.


 The world we live in is changing rapidly.

Its never been more important to REMEMBER why you came here, and ask yourself, “is the life I’m living my own?” Or is an outdated program or expectation running the show? It’s your birthright to live an abundant life that brings you joy.

And yet, we often wear golden collars around our necks. What do I mean by that?

We often stay stuck for many, many reasons, and these are often excuses - unique to you. But largely revolve around money and fear.


Perhaps you've followed the societal formula for success and happiness. Get straight A's, be captain of the varsity team, go to a prestigious university, land a great job, earn six figures, drive an expensive car, get married, buy a house by the beach, have a family, work hard, retire then die.

Arguably this is what privilege looks like to some, and indoctrination to others. Entraining you into a system to over-work, over-produce and over-consume. ALL OF THE TIME. Adhering to this formula is the quickest way to achieve recognition and praise from society or your family and friends, but at whose expense? Who’s life are you living?

Are you really happy? Are you healthy? Are you in love? Have you designed your ideal lifestyle? Are you deeply inspired? Or are you in denial? And a slave to your mortgage payments and student loans? Are you stuck at your job? Or unhappy with your relationship? Are you afraid to make a change? Or take the huge giant leap into the unknown?

If you were to get really honest with yourself, what would your answers be? This can be a very daunting question. But it has never been more pressing to ‘stand in your Truth’ and answer these questions as honestly as you can, even if its uncomfortable. Not to be a Debby downer, but time is of the essence.



 Here’s the good news: there is away out of this existence. When you are living a life that’s not congruent with your inner Truth you aren’t living, you’re surviving.

Why, you may ask?

Because I’ve lived it.


 Hi, I’m Amber, and I’m the founder of Return of Ritual.

I practice the Ancient Priestess Healing Arts of my Celtic European ancestors. I believe passionately in restoring the divine feminine to its rightful place in society, equally balanced with the sacred masculine.

Nature is my biggest teacher and I act as a bridge between the worlds. Between the spiritual and the mundane, energy and matter. The 3D and the 5D. Rituals & Ceremonies are what ground us and keep us connected to the Sacred and are of utmost importance.

If your life is a ceremony, I suggest making each day a Sacred Ritual.

 I’ve been keenly aware of energy my whole life.

As a young girl, I would Feng Shui my own bedroom, draw astrology charts by hand and spend hours outdoors in nature. I was very attracted to the arts (music, dance and the occult). I was a natural performer and enjoyed writing from an early age.

In 2015, I became classically certified by the International Feng Shui school and started to work with the Energy in people’s homes. In 2017, we experienced a dramatic house flood and I became a psychopomp overnight (I thought I’d gone crazy.) I was later initiated by the Q’ero Shamans of Peru as a Shamanic Practitioner and Energy Healer under the instruction of Alberto Villoldo & Marcella Lobos of the Four Winds Light Body School. I thank this lineage for being my surrogate as I slowly found my way back to the Celtic and Northern European lineage of my foremothers.

Aside from my strong spiritual tendencies I worked in Med-Tech for over 10 years, earning six figures where I found myself not only depleted but emotionally and spiritually exhausted. My masculine energies were in overdrive and I was deeply disconnected from my natural rhythms and cycles. I wasn’t thriving, I was surviving.

It's clear to me now the old paradigms are changing. And its happening fast. It's time to '“remember who we really are,” and “why we are here”. It’s time to remember our lives are Sacred. And listen to the inner workings of our hearts.

If not now, when?

I help people…

Return home to who they really are

Remember their inner wisdom

Reclaim their divine femininine energy

Recollect the lost pieces of themselves

Recall the ancient wisdom of their ancestors

Reestablish right relationship with nature

Restore trust in the collective

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 I remain open and of service to anyone who hears the calling deep inside, who longs to break free from the shackles of our modern society and remember who they really are, and why they are here on the planet. Ritual and Ceremony can help us do this.

My offerings are for men and women who want more out of life, who feel stuck and disconnected from their divine feminine and sacred masculine energy and are looking to reclaim their inner wisdom and design a thriving, heart-centered existence.

Book your FREE Wisdom Seeker Call

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I was born on the first day of spring (3.21). Spring is my middle name and I was given two first names at birth “Amber-Marie Spring…”

My sun sign is Aries/Pisces cusp. My rising sign is Scorpio. My moon is Sagittarius. Lots of fire and water!

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I studied Theatre & Dance and Psychology at UCSD.

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I'm a certified Yoga and Pilates instructor.

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My entrepreneurial fire was lit when I pitched a unique idea and won a shark-tank like competition!

I’m currently exploring the wisdom traditions of Norse Cosmology & Womb Shamanism